This Place is a Portal, 13x19'', $2,700 unframed, 2019.jpg
The Emperor_LalaAbaddon_2018_13x18%22, $3500.jpg
Eye in the Sky of a Bubble, Sky in the Eye of a Bubble, 13x19%22, $2,700, unframed,2019.jpg
Corazon, This Day, 66,000,000 years ago, 13x19%22, $2700, unframed, 2019.jpg
Sunsets Converge, 13x19%22, $2,700 unframed, 2019.jpg
Tears of the Monarch, 13x19%22, $2,700, unframed,  2019.jpg
Spectral Body, 15x19_, 2018.  $1500 unframed.jpg
Limitless Unveiling, 40x40_, 2018.  $3,000 unframed .jpg
Astral Self_ 13x17_, 2018.  $1,500 unframed. (1 of 1).jpg